About ORC

“Rainbow is a promise of hope and collaboration with all for renewal. We provide an opportunity, promise and hope for these children to be transformed and to have a better life.”

Dr. Kimit Rai, M.D., F.R.C.S.C
Founder and President


Our Mission

ORC has treated more than 3,000 + patients and performed more than 2,500 surgeries over 22 years around the world.

Founded in 1998, Operation Rainbow Canada (ORC) is a 100% volunteer, non-profit medical services organization that functions without paid staff. We provide free reconstructive surgery and related health care for cleft lip and cleft palate deformities to impoverished children and young adults in developing countries whose families could not otherwise afford them.

We are also Educators

Our doctors and nurses also provide education and training to physicians, nurses and other health care professionals in the host countries.  They help them achieve long-term self-sufficiency. ORC team also educates our Canadian plastic surgery residents, residents in pediatrics and anesthesiology.


Our Founder

Founder & President of Operation Rainbow Canada since 1998, Dr. Rai is a board-certified Plastic Surgeon and Surgical Director with over 40 years of experience in cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery. He has been on 28 medical missions and is the lead surgeon.